Osinski Finance

Boost Your Borrowing Power: Tax Cuts as Your Financial Game Changer!

May 01, 2024

As Stage 3 tax cuts loom closer, Australians are gearing up for some tax relief starting July 1st. Beyond the political noise, it's worth noting that these cuts could do more than just save you money. They could actually supercharge your borrowing power, paving the way for new opportunities in owning a home and managing your finances more flexibly.

According to government estimates, approximately 13.6 million Australians are set to benefit from these tax alterations. The magnitude of your savings hinges on your income bracket. For instance, individuals earning around the national average of $73,000 annually stand to pocket a yearly tax reduction of $1,504. Meanwhile, those with a $100,000 income could expect to trim their tax bill by $2,179 per year.

For many households grappling with the challenges of managing daily expenses, these tax cuts are a timely reprieve. However, their impact extends beyond immediate financial relief. If you're eyeing the property market, you might find an unexpected bonus in the form of increased borrowing power.

What Exactly is ‘Borrowing Power’?

But what exactly is borrowing power, and how is it relevant? 

It’s essentially the maximum amount a lender is willing to loan you, considering various factors, such as your deposit size, household expenditures, and after-tax income. The higher your after-tax income, the greater your borrowing power becomes. This could help you invest in a property sooner or afford a nicer property.

Are Tax Cuts Your Financial Game Changer?

Here’s a straightforward breakdown:

If you earn $100,000 a year, the tax cuts could potentially increase the amount you can borrow by $21,000. For couples bringing in $150,000 together, that boost could be almost $30,000. Whether you're aiming to buy your first home or upgrade to a bigger one, these tax changes could be just what you need to make it happen.

Even if you're not actively seeking to borrow more, the extra cash in your pocket could ease the burden of current mortgage repayments, offering a sense of financial relief.

Alternative Strategies to Enhance Your Borrowing Power

Of course, waiting for tax cuts isn’t the only strategy to enhance your borrowing power. Here are some additional tactics you might consider:

Budget Trimming

Cutting back on unnecessary spending can free up more money for your deposit. Lenders pay close attention to your household expenses when deciding if you qualify for a home loan. Trimming those unnecessary costs could boost how much you can borrow.

Credit Card Management

Lenders evaluate the maximum limit on your credit card rather than just the outstanding balance. Requesting a lower credit limit or getting rid of your credit card after paying it off can increase how much you can borrow.

Income Augmentation

While it may require some effort, increasing your income through extra shifts, negotiating a raise, or pursuing side gigs can substantially elevate both your bank balance and borrowing power.

Discover Your Borrowing Power with Osinski Finance

While online calculators offer a rough estimate of your borrowing capacity, they fail to consider the nuanced criteria of individual lenders and your unique financial circumstances. That’s where we come in; at Osinski Finance, we offer clear and straightforward details of borrowing power.

By understanding your expenses, aspirations, and property preferences, we can provide tailored guidance to unlock your full borrowing potential. Connect with us today for fast and hassle-free loan assistance!

Disclaimer: The content of this article is general in nature and is presented for informative purposes. It is not intended to constitute tax or financial advice, whether general or personal nor is it intended to imply any recommendation or opinion about a financial product. It does not take into consideration your personal situation and may not be relevant to circumstances. Before taking any action, consider your own particular circumstances and seek professional advice. This content is protected by copyright laws and various other intellectual property laws. It is not to be modified, reproduced or republished without prior written consent.


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